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From Chrome Sign Builder to Rise Vision: Central R-3’s Seamless Digital Signage Transformation

Written by Jennifer Jennings | 9/5/24 9:29 AM

Central R-3 School District, renowned for its commitment to excellence in academics and extracurricular activities, has always strived to provide students with the best possible environment for growth. Located in Missouri, Central R-3 is dedicated to creating opportunities for students to maximize their full potential. With a focus on enhancing communication and engagement across its four schools, the district turned to digital signage as a solution. 

This case study explores how Central R-3, under the guidance of Matt Burgess, Systems Administrator, successfully transitioned from Chrome Sign Builder to Rise Vision digital signage, and the significant improvements they’ve seen in their communication strategy.

Meet Matt Burgess, Central R-3 Systems Administrator

Matt Burgess is a key figure in Central R-3 School District’s technology team. With years of experience in managing the district's digital infrastructure, Matt played a pivotal role in the decision-making process when Central R-3 decided to incorporate digital signage. His insights provide a valuable perspective on the challenges faced during the transition and the subsequent benefits realized by the district.

Struggling to Customize Content with Deprecated Digital Signage

“I had demoed Rise Vision years ago and really enjoyed it,” says Matt.

Central R-3 initially used Chrome Sign Builder to manage digital signage across their high school and middle school, with plans to expand the system district-wide. However, the looming discontinuation of Chrome Sign Builder by Google presented a significant challenge. “We kept hearing that Chrome was going away,” Matt recalls. “We were just waiting to see what Google would decide. When it finally came out that it [was] true, we decided to jump ship early.”

After the announcement of Chrome Sign Builder being deprecated, the district faced several issues including limitations in customization, difficulties with scheduling content, and a cumbersome process that placed a heavy burden on Matt, who was the sole person responsible for managing the digital signage. “It got harder to change stuff, it wasn’t as easy as it used to be, and the schedule didn’t work anymore,” Matt explained.

Discovering Rise Vision

Before the official announcement of Chrome Sign Builder’s deprecation, Matt had already explored alternative solutions. “I had demoed Rise Vision years ago and really enjoyed it,” he shared. When the decision to switch became inevitable, Matt recommended Rise Vision to his team, leveraging Rise Vision’s existing relationship with K12TechPro, a platform that connects technology professionals in the education sector.

Listen Now: K12 Tech Talk Episode 153 - Clever MFA, Rise Vision, and Conspiracy Theories

The familiarity and positive experience with Rise Vision made the transition smoother. Matt knew that Rise Vision could offer the customization and ease of use that Chrome Sign Builder lacked. This proactive approach allowed Central R-3 to make a swift and effective switch, minimizing disruption.

What Makes Central R-3’s Use Case Unique

Central R-3 has deployed Rise Vision across their four campuses reaching over 2,000 students.

Central R-3’s adoption of Rise Vision is notable not only because of the scale of the implementation but also because of how the district has tailored the platform to meet its specific needs. Since making the switch, Central R-3 has deployed Rise Vision across their four campuses reaching over 2,000 students.

What sets Central R-3 apart is their commitment to integrating digital signage into daily operations, enhancing student engagement, and utilizing the platform for wayfinding within the high school—a unique use case that showcases the flexibility and power of Rise Vision.

Using Rise Vision Digital Signage to Improve School Communication

Central R-3 uses digital signage to display the weather so students and teachers know what to expect at recess.

The switch to Rise Vision transformed how Central R-3 manages and utilizes digital signage. One of the most significant changes was the delegation of content management. “I was the person always editing the signage—now we just have other users out there that have access to their individual buildings. So that took a lot off my plate,” Matt explained. 

This delegation has not only reduced Matt’s workload but also allowed each school to have more control over their content, making the system more efficient and relevant to each location.

Enhancing Communication Across the District

One of the primary goals of implementing digital signage was to improve communication across the district. With Rise Vision, Central R-3 was able to achieve this goal with ease. “The customization [of digital signage] is huge,” Matt noted. “Now it’s actually nice signs, nice displays that are being shown in our hallways and office areas. The ease of scheduling has been a real benefit.”

The ability to customize content means that each school can tailor the information displayed to suit their needs. At the high school, the creative design teacher works with students to create content, particularly for athletic events. “She does a lot of our athletic events,” Matt said. “She’ll make a post for each sporting event that’s coming up in the week and she’ll have pictures that are actually the students have taken at events that she’ll post.”

This approach not only improves communication but also fosters a sense of pride and ownership among students, who see their work displayed throughout the school.

Wayfinding at the High School

Another unique application of Rise Vision at Central R-3 is its use for wayfinding within the high school. With a large campus and new students every year, the need for effective wayfinding is critical. “We have a directory on the building, and that has become a big help for students coming in, especially freshmen or new students who don’t know where to go,” Matt explained.

The directory displays are strategically placed at key intersection points and near entrances, making it easier for students and visitors to navigate the school. This use of digital signage for wayfinding is not only practical but also enhances the overall experience for students and visitors alike.

Enhanced Performance of the Rise Vision Media Players

One of the standout features of Central R-3’s digital signage system is the performance of the Rise Vision media players. “You can tell a difference,” Matt said, comparing the Rise Vision media players to the Chromebits previously used. “As soon as you would throw a bunch of animated content on [the Chromebits], they would just crash and burn. The Rise Vision media players can handle anything you throw at it.”

The robust performance of these media players ensures that content is displayed smoothly and without interruption, even when running video or animated content. This reliability is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of the digital signage system, particularly in areas with lots of video and animation content like the high school.

Lessons Learned and Advice for Other System Administrators

Matt’s experience with Rise Vision offers several valuable lessons for other districts considering a similar transition. His first piece of advice is simple: “Do it sooner. I wish we would have jumped ship a long time ago.”

For tech directors who are currently managing digital signage with a system like Chrome Sign Builder, Matt emphasizes the benefits of Rise Vision’s ease of use and delegation capabilities.

“If it’s a person that’s in a tech department that is having to run it and manage [digital signage], there is a lot of delegation you can do with Rise Vision that you couldn’t do before, and that has really helped out.”

For schools or districts implementing digital signage for the first time, Matt recommends starting small. “Start small and scale up as you use or as you kind of learn the ropes,” he advised. This approach allows schools to get comfortable with the system before expanding, ensuring a smoother implementation process.

Another key takeaway is the importance of involving students in content creation. “Incorporate the students. The students [are] who your contact is, so if they're looking up at TVs more, that's your audience. So just make it geared towards that,” Matt said. By engaging students in the process, schools can create content that resonates more effectively with their audience.

Central R-3 Has Streamlined Communication and Wayfinding with Rise Vision

Way to Go, Central R-3 Rebels!

The Central R-3 School District’s transition to Rise Vision has been a resounding success. By addressing the limitations of their previous system and leveraging the capabilities of Rise Vision, the district has not only improved communication and engagement but also enhanced the overall student experience.

From customizable content to robust media players, the benefits of Rise Vision are clear. For other districts facing similar challenges or looking to implement digital signage, Central R-3’s experience provides a compelling example of how the right technology can make a significant impact.

As Matt Burgess wisely concluded:

“Start small, scale up, and involve your students—because they are your audience.”

With Rise Vision, Central R-3 has set a new standard for how digital signage can be used to enhance communication and engagement in schools.

Interested in how your school district can use Rise Vision? Book a free demo today