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    Rise Vision Blog

    Product News, Customer Stories and Updates from Rise Vision

    7 Free Welcome Back to School Posters

    7 Free Welcome Back to School Posters

    Welcome back to school! No matter if you're a student, teacher or faculty, we all look forward to the start of the new school year and the first day of classes. Let’s face it. Back to school time is[…]

    A woman doing her presentation using wireless screen sharing tool.

    The 9 Best Wireless Presentation Systems

    Wireless presentation tools are popular in business settings to make meetings quicker and more engaging. They have an even more significant impact on education, allowing teachers to step away from[…]

    Interactive Displays and their Benefits to your Classroom featured image.

    Interactive Flat Panel Displays and their Benefits to your Classroom

    Today's classrooms use a variety of advanced technology to engage their students and boost their academic performance while making teaching more fun and interactive. The introduction of interactive[…]

    Keep Your School Community Informed with Airtame and Rise Vision

    Keep Your School Community Informed with Airtame and Rise Vision

    As educators prepare for back-to-school this fall, safety and communication are top of mind. Schools need to be able to quickly share important messages with all of their students and staff. This is[…]

    Digital Technology for the Classroom

    Digital Technology Tools for the Classroom

    95% of teachers are using Digital Technology Tools to improve the classroom experience. There is an ongoing debate regarding the benefit for both students and teachers. Let's take a look at digital[…]

    National Safety Month A Guide to School Campus Safety

    National Safety Month: A Guide to School Campus Safety

    National Safety Month has been with us since 1996, when the National Safety Council (NSC) selected June as the right time to work on reducing the number of avoidable accidents Americans had on roads,[…]

    Benefits of Digital Technology in the Classroom

    Benefits of Digital Technology in the Classroom

    With 95 percent of teachers using technology in the classroom, digital teaching methods are becoming increasingly popular. Gone are the days of chalkboards, worksheet assignments, and rote learning.[…]

    9 Pride Month Posters for K12 Schools

    9 Pride Month Posters for K12 Schools

    For Pride Month, we wanted to support schools that are celebrating with a power-packed kit of posters and other resources K-12 schools can use. The poster kit includes:

    Summer Safety Posters for Schools

    National Safety Month: Summer Safety Posters for Schools

    When summer rolls around students are excited to ditch the books and get outdoors. National Safety Month is in June and we wanted to help schools with a free set of National Safety Month posters.[…]

    How To Build A Social Media Wall

    How to Build a Social Media Wall

    In this post, we’ll explain what a social media wall is, what you need to get started, and we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to build your social media wall using Taggbox Display and[…]

    9 Free Physical Fitness Month Posters for Schools

    9 Free Physical Fitness Month Posters for Schools

    National Physical Fitness and Sports Month runs each year throughout May. In Canada, National Health and Fitness Day is celebrated on the first Saturday in June, each year. There are lots of online[…]

    7 Free Posters to Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week

    7 Free Posters to Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week

    Teachers deserve to be appreciated all year long, yet the first week of May has been designated as Teacher Appreciation Week in most K12 schools in the US.

    Keep your displays interesting - pick new templates every week!

    Every week, we send Template recommendations that will make you look great and improve your audience experience. And the best part, they save up to 16 hours of content creation time every week.

    Not convinced? Check out the email we sent last week.