If you’re looking for more ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, then you’ve probably thought about using Twitter. But how do you turn a social platform into a learning tool? Here are[…]
You’ve heard a Bitcoin. Everyone’s heard of Bitcoin. Even your Grandma’s heard of Bitcoin! But what on Earth is Bitcoin?! Is it just a buzzword or does it really matter? And, if so, how should you[…]
Here are some facts about the environment: The average school uses 250,000 pieces of paper annually. The cost $25,000 a year! Paper accounts for 25% of landfill waste! Every tree produces enough[…]
UPDATE: Chrome has been released. We’ve listened!
Going green should be a top priority of all decision makers; not only does it help the environment, but it can also help businesses save money--there also government-sponsored funding opportunities[…]
Why would anyone want to display a document on a TV screen? Sure, it might work in a classroom where you are displaying an outline for students, but digital signage? Seems a little ridiculous, right?[…]
On January 15, 1929, the great Civil Rights leader Michael King Jr. was born. That’s not a typo. He’s known today as Martin Luther King, Jr., but his birth name was actually Michael. King’s dad[…]
You’ve invested a lot of time and work into your digital signage, so why are people just walking by it and not giving it a second look? There are many things users do right with Rise Vision, but[…]
2017 is almost over, and we finally know with certainty: Porgs did not become the Jar Jar Binks of The Last Jedi! We also can say with certainty that you are just a few minutes away from creating[…]
Digital signage emerges as a powerful tool for catering to millennials' communication preferences. Understanding the intricacies of millennial communication is key to leveraging this technology[…]
Display Signage is good...in theory. Of course, you’d want to take advantage of technology to better publish content to your students and staff. But when it comes to actually making a presentation,[…]
‘Tis the time of year to put out stockings, mistletoe, tinsel, holiday lights...and digital signage! We know you are busy with holiday parties, shopping, and family, so our Creative Team has created[…]