Labor Day means BBQ, the beach, and digital signage, right?! Our Creative Team wants to make sure you get your well deserved holiday, and they have created Labor Day templates to make your job easier. See them below.
Templates are fully customizable and take less than five minutes to set up, and are included with all Plan Licenses. You can read about how easy it is to set up here or watch the video below:
If you’re not sure where to go this Labor Day, read our post on some of the craziest vacation rentals you’ll find on Airbnb.
If you're looking for more ways to save time while you get back into the swing of students being back in school, check out some of these posts with some back to school ideas:
- 10 Ways to Make Students Feel Welcome on the First Day of School
- Live Stream Your School Sporting Event
- How to Make a School Breakfast and Lunch Menu Board
- Using Digital Signage to Create a School Map
- How to Use CAP Alerts with Digital Signage