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Digital Emergency Alerts Board

Create One With Rise Vision

Emergency alerts digital signage is something we take very seriously here at Rise Vision. Being able to communicate emergency information to a school, campus body, hospital staff and visitors, or any building environment can save lives as well as reduce emergency response time.

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As a digital signage software provider, Rise Vision can distribute emergency information to a network of interactive classroom flat panel displays, T.V.s, or digital displays in any campus setting or office environment. You’ll find that setting up Rise Vision software to broadcast emergency information isn’t difficult and can be done in a matter of minutes.


CAP Alerts

CAP Alerts

What is “CAP”?

Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) can be thought of as a universal adapter for alert messages. A CAP alert message sender can activate multiple alert systems with a single input. The idea is this system reduces complexity and costs for everyone that’s connected. CAP was developed to help every organization involved in improving the state of emergency notification with a simplified and standardized protocol.

As of 2019, many software, mobile, and web application providers have created solutions to solve emergency situation problems using the CAP system. Users of CAP software don’t necessarily need to know the protocol - CAP simply provides a framework for emergency software providers to utilize which allows easy integration between different applications and receiving hardware. However, if you’re looking for emergency notification solutions, be sure to look for systems that use CAP and/or integrate with other CAP-based systems.

CAP Alerts Integration with Rise Vision


Rise Vision has partnered with a number of great emergency alert providers to offer CAP alert functionality. Our partners offer alert and emergency notification systems that can broadcast emergency information to multiple different channels (e.g. digital signage).

It is extremely easy to set up CAP alerts with Rise Vision digital signage software.

We currently partner with:

- Alertus
- AppArmor
- Audio Enhancement
- Centegix
- CrisisGo
- Navigate360 (through their partner 911Cellular)
- Omnilert (E2Campus)
- Raptor Technologies 
- Rave Mobile Safety
- Ruvna
- Share 911
- Singlewire Software (InformaCast)
- STOPit Solutions - they have special offers for Rise Vision customers.

Emergency Information and CAP Alert Digital Signage Templates

All the emergency information and CAP Alert templates below can be accessed
through the Rise Vision templates section.

CAP Alert Warning

Similar to receiving a tornado alert warning on your mobile phone, this digital signage template displays a warning to immediately seek shelter as well as a warning duration. Any school or business that resides in areas where tornadoes are prevalent should download and set up this template. Additionally, we recommend conducting regular drills or practice sessions in order to get familiar with using this template (which can be done after hours or on weekends).

Emergency Alerts Digital Signage
Digital signage is perfect for high-contrast emergency notifications.

Emergency Alerts

Every school and office building should have emergency notification templates prepared for their digital signage system. This template offers a high contrast emergency message that can be broadcast to every display in a school or office building. We recommend using this template in conjunction with regular emergency drills and testing.

See It Say It

Rise Vision also provides templates that encourage people to help prevent emergencies. For instance, the ‘See It Say It’ template shown above is designed to urge people to report suspicious activity in or around school campuses and buildings.

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Emergency Alert Digital Signage Systems for K-12 Schools

Rise Vision Digital Signage For Schools

Rise Vision + Emergency Alerts To Keep Your School Safe

Thousands of schools around the world are using Rise Vision and one of our partners as an emergency notification solution. All of the applications are easy to use, reduce response time and are loved by school administrators around the globe.

You can display Rise Vision emergency alerts on your passive digital signage displays in hallways, cafeterias, lobbies, libraries, entrances, and more. And you can display emergency alerts on interactive flat panels in your classrooms. 
With Rise Vision emergency alerts, you can send emergency notifications to all interactive flat panel displays in your classrooms, like:

- Promethean
- SMART Technologies
- Clear Touch
- Clevertouch
- Boxlight
- Newline
- BenQ
- ViewSonic
- Avocor
- And more!

With this feature, teachers can go about their day using the screen as a teaching tool. When the display receives an alert, Rise Vision will automatically stop the display from being used as a teaching tool and then show the emergency alert, giving students and staff the necessary time to react. 

If your school is in need of emergency notification systems and would like to discuss how Rise Vision can be implemented at your campus, please contact us here.


Emergency Alert Digital Signage Systems for Universities

Rise Vision Digital Signage For Universities

Rise Vision + Emergency Alerts To Keep Your University Safe

Rise Vision and our partners are also available for colleges and university emergency notification systems. Rise Vision is currently used in universities across North America.

Rise Vision digital signage can be used in multiple buildings regardless of the size or geographical extent of the university grounds. This means emergency notifications can be broadcasted to all displays across a college or university campus simultaneously.

Areas within a university campus that we recommend installing emergency digital signage consist of the following locations:

- Lecture halls and classrooms
- Dormitories
- Student center
- Administration buildings
- Libraries
- Athletic complexes
- Central plants


Emergency Alert Digital Signage Systems for Hospitals

Rise Vision Digital Signage For Hospitals

Rise Vision + Emergency Alerts To Keep Your Hospital Safe

Rise Vision is a preferred choice for many hospitals in North America. If your hospital is currently a Rise Vision customer and is interested in using an emergency alert system and Rise Vision, please contact us here.

Locations within a hospital that we recommend for emergency digital signage:

- Lobby
- Cafeteria
- Foyers
- Elevator bays
- Basements / Lower Levels
- Parking Garages


Emergency Alert Digital Signage Systems for Office Buildings

Rise Vision Digital Signage For Office Buildings

Rise Vision + Emergency Alerts To Keep Your Office Building Safe

We often think of schools and hospitals as the primary place where emergency notification systems are needed. However, companies that lease or own large office buildings, skyscrapers and even office campuses also have a responsibility to keep people safe.

It’s common to see digital signage in building lobbies, elevator bays/foyers and even in offices themselves (particularly in finance firms). All of these displays can receive emergency alerts and keep everyone on every floor safe.

For offices that use Rise Vision for financial ticker information, emergency alert digital signage can be accessed from your Rise Vision account. Once logged in, either do a search for emergency alert templates or simply click on the emergency alert templates listed above to get started.

Emergency Alert Monthly System Checklist

Create An Emergency Checklist

Having an emergency signage system in place is only the first step. It’s equally important to have systems in place to make sure your signage system is easy to use, accessible by many and is in working order. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Create a checklist for emergency situations and for regular testing of your emergency plan.
  • Make sure multiple people know how to operate the emergency alert digital signage system. Have regularly scheduled meetings to review how to operate your emergency notification system as well as how to push notifications to your digital signage system.
  • Integrate your emergency digital signage monthly check with your school or organization’s wider emergency preparedness program.

Here’s how it works:


1. Pick a template

To get started, sign up for a free Rise Vision trial account, then pick a template and customize it.


2. Activate your display

Connect your display and media player, then enter your activation code to start viewing your template.


3. Keep it interesting

Add new templates from our weekly recommendations

Communicate better, fast!

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Join the thousands of schools and other businesses that currently use Rise Vision to manage their emergency signage system. If you have any questions or need any help during the Rise Vision set up process, please feel free to contact us.

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